Boxter: The Future of Sustainable Growth

 04 / September / 2014 by Riley

For the last few months I have been working with a great team of people to build a new company. We brought together a diverse group of talent to tackle some of the most interesting problems facing online marketing (SEO, social media, content, etc…). Growing a website or business is always a challenge, and we are developing some innovative systems and metrics to provide sustainable growth through 2015 and beyond. The new website just launched, so check it out now for yourself.

Boxter website

How to Score & Rank High Quality Original Content

 15 / July / 2014 by Riley

Content strategy and content marketing have become hot lately due to Google’s algorithm updates. The whole world of SEO and and online marketing has been shaken up the last year or so as a result of these changes. The thing that no one seems able to explain is what is a step-by-step process for figuring out what kind of content you should be posting. Most people are offering suggestions of targeting your audience and keeping track of analytics. But what about getting some hard numbers from the beginning that will predict results? Well, now we have BOATS. Check it out to see how this new content scoring system works.

Read the full article on BOATS scoring

Startup Story: CampusESP

 13 / May / 2014 by Riley

CampusESP is a new Philly startup that’s part of the PSL Accelerator program. They are trying to disrupt the college education market. They are developing a parent portal for universities. It’s an interesting take on a rapidly changing market. Check out this interview to learn all about them and what the founder Dave Becker is up to. He coined an awesome phrase that just might catch on. Be sure to show us your “Startup Wave”.

Read the full interview

How to Plan the Tech Architecture of a Startup

 17 / March / 2014 by Riley

Planning out the entire technology stack for a new web startup is a process wrought with errors. It’s way too easy to optimize everything too soon. Most startups make major changes along the way, and it’s going to make it even harder on everyone if the tech choices become a giant anchor. Startup founder Christian Heinzmann has some great advice for how to go about the process with as few regrets as possible. There’s no one path for every startup, but he provides a solid framework to follow.

He lays out these steps to success:

1. Product Discovery
2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
3. Beta Product
4. Version 1.0
5. Next Version

Read the full article